Being a board member might seem like an overwhelming task but working with this strong team of volunteer leaders makes the work enjoyable and workable. We all help one another and function as a team. The board is transparent and all business is conducted with care and professionalism. Our management company works with us to provide all the services we need in a professional and knowledgeable manner. Please consider joining us, we need YOU!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Courtesy Notices

The board and management recently conducted a walk through of our community. Overall the community is lovely, however some courtesy notices will be sent out. Nothing serious: put away trash cans, mow the lawn, pull some weeds and we’re done! Compliance is our responsibility and it makes Bristolwood a beautiful community. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and swift compliance with our CC&R’s! We couldn’t make this community what it is without you!
Commercial Vehicles are not permitted on La Costa Ave. It is a violation of the Eastlake Greens Covenants , Code and Restrictions. Owners of commercial vehicles will need to park them inside a garage or off street. Unfortunately, fines may be applied (by Bristolwood HOA and Eastlake Greens HOA) when the CC&R is violated.
Please help us to maintain compliance. We appreciate your community spirit.

HOA Financial Picture in a Nutshell

In October of 2007 the association’s finances were pretty grim. In under four years we have stabilized the finances and put into action checks and balances to maintain the progress. AND Bristolwood still has the lowest assessment cost in Eastlake Greens. A healthy financial state makes the association look good to banks when homeowners want to sell – it also contributes to the stability of our home values. Stable home value is very important in this economy. How did we do it? Reasonable and professional property management, economical and environmentally friendly landscaping and maintenance, board education, proper budget planning and regular reserve study. The members of this board care about the neighborhood. They stretch our assessment and make it work for all of us. Join us at a meeting or think about becoming a board member.
October 31, 2007, our total assets were $53,887.15
January 31, 2011 our total assets are $104,164.44